

Magna Powertrain

VM Project Frame Machine


Magna Steyr

VM Project Food Processor
VM Project Epilator
VM Project Facial Laser

Development of a practice-oriented innovation guide for small and medium-sized enterprises (“Innovation Tool Box”) for the field of brainstorming and selection within the framework of the funding guideline TECHNOFIT (aim: Increase the innovative capacity of structurally weak regions), 2003 Building on the requirements of small and medium-sized enterprises, a practice-oriented innovation process model (phase model) was developed. Essential instruments of innovation management were selected and their application was defined along the individual innovation phases and explained in an innovation guide.
Further development of the first innovation guideline from the research project INNOVITAL with the main focus on the innovation phase Idea realization within the framework of the funding guideline TECHNOFIT (aim: Increase the innovative capability of structurally weak regions, 2004
The research project will develop necessary activities and methods in the innovation phase of idea realization. The result is a guide that includes content such as marketing, quality, project and cost management. Here, the requirements of small and medium-sized enterprises are taken into account.
Research project at the Competence Center VIF – The Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH, project partner TU Graz, VIF, Magna Steyr, AVL List. 2002-2006
The research project dealt with the topics “virtual organization / virtual teams, core processes of knowledge management, experience transfer in projects, knowledge oriented value networks, knowledge oriented assessment methodology for innovation processes, knowledge flow analysis, knowledge oriented process modeling, qualitative and quantitative competence management.
Research project at the Competence Center VIF – The virtual vehicle Forschges mbH, project partners TU Graz, VIF, Magna Steyr. 2006-2007
In the research project, experience transfer process was defined, which ensures that experience values of negotiated projects are collected, structured and positioned for future projects in the correct place.
In addition, quantitative (especially cost-oriented) evaluations of e.g. errors made in order to prove the profit from error prevention.
EU project in cooperation with DANUBE – Association for European Training and RTD on awareness-raising in the field of knowledge management in 36 SMEs in Austria, Portugal and Spain. Conception and content management of the overall initiative as well as implementation of pilot projects in Austria, 2003
Modernization of work organization and management of knowledge
(Engaging ICT cooperation between Europe and the Asia-Pacific region) Support Action funded by the European Commission FP6, IST programme
The project sees its mission in stimulating and enhancing Research and Technology Development cooperation in the field of Information Technologies between the EU and 4 countries of Southeast Asia: Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines.
Development and introduction of the innovation network tool inno-regio styria as a regional policy measure for the international profiling of Styria as an innovation region and protection of Styria as a business location, 2005
Diagnostic tool for self-evaluation of the innovative power of companies
(Advanced Process- Oriented Self- Directed Learning Environment) partially funded under the FP6 of the European Commission within the IST work program 2004 (FP6-IST-2004-027023)
Lifelong Learning has become an essential ingredient for success within our knowledge society. The EU project APOSDLE develops a software platform and tools to support you to learn @ work: Learn within the context of your immediate work and within your current work environment. The new Advanced Process- Oriented Self- Directed Learning Environment will provide you with practical guidance, learning content and expert advice when you need it and where you need it.
with participation of the ISN GmbH, the Know-Center, the Institute of Psychology (Department of Differential Psychology) of the Karl-Franzens-University Graz, the Bravestone GmbH as well as numerous pilot companies.2005-2007
Fortführung des Forschungsprojekts NEUROVATION with participation of the ISN GmbH, the Neurovation GmbH, the Know-Center, the Institute for Knowledge Management of the Graz University of Technology and the Institute of Psychology (Department of Differential Psychology) of the Karl-Franzens-University Graz. Seit 2007
The research project Neurovation combines the topics “Neuroscience” and “Innovation” and includes activities in the field of promoting creativity at the knowledge workplace as well as web-based support in the innovation and creativity process with focus on the first phases of the innovation process.
The aim of the TV-WEB project is to make Internet content available to those who do not normally use Internet services and do not have a broadband connection. The project idea is to use the capacity of the broadcasting frequency spectrum of free digital terrestrial television (DTT) to transmit selected Internet content (such as news, e-services, etc.). This ensures that certain disadvantaged groups or those living in rural areas without broadband access experience a comparable Internet experience on television sets.
The project concept is different from services where the TV is connected to the Internet. Instead, the SEE TV-WEB project is pursuing the provision of Internet content solely through the use of the DTT spectrum.
The tasks of IITF in the SEE TV-WEB project are the analysis of user behavior and the interest of users in this service, the analysis of the so-called user experience in the course of several usability tests through pilot presentations in different partner countries and the creation of a business model which finances Possibilities and business scenarios of the service after project completion describes. IITF is also head of work package 6 entitled “STUDIES & GUIDELINES” and is responsible for the content and timely execution.
(IPR-Helpdesk is a constituent part of the IP-BASE project which is financed by the CIP Programme, DG Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission)
The aim and purpose of the IPR-Helpdesk is to raise awareness of Intellectual Property Rights and not to give legally binding advice. It is intended to provide any relevant information which may be of assistance to anyone with Intellectual Property queries or concerns
Cooperation of SMEs of the wood and furniture industry in the border region Austria-Hungary in the areas of networking and innovation.
Unterstützungsprogramm : INTERREG VA Österreich-Ungarn Programm
Projekttitel : Vernetzung und Innovationskooperation kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen der österreichisch-ungarischen Grenzregion Holz- und Möbelindustrie
Kurztitel : InnoWood
Projekt-ID : ATHU59
Duration: 30 months (1. Mai 2017 – 31. Oktober 2019)
Project partners:
* Effix-Marketing Ltd. – Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter
* Holzcluster Steiermark GmbH – Projektpartner
- IITF Institut für Innovations- und Trendforschung – Projektpartner
- Fachhochschule Burgenland GmbH – Projektpartner
- Industrie- und Handelskammer Sopron – Strategischer Partner
- Pro Holz Steiermark – Strategischer Partner
- Waldverband Steiermark – Strategischer Partner
- Technische Universität Graz, Institut für Baubetrieb und Bauwirtschaft – Strategischer Partner
Gesamtbudget für das Projekt : 989.282,65 €
In Western Transdanubia, southern Burgenland and eastern Styria, wood and furniture industries play a decisive role. The latter region is one of Europe’s development and innovation centers.
The Industry development is being strengthened on both sides of the border by several economic development and cluster organizations. Although R & D & I capacities and higher education are in the background, there are only a few initiatives to tackle the cross-border problems. The existing technical knowledge could therefore not be used across borders.
The overall objective of the project is thus to strengthen the innovation-based international competitiveness of SMEs in the wood and furniture industry in the AT-HU border region. This should be achieved through the following activities:
The possibility of cross-border, operational cooperation.
Expansion of knowledge about market conditions, knowledge transfer
Development of innovative niche products
Providing a technical environment that promotes innovation.
Development of a recycling system, which substantiates the appearance in the market
Implementation of the activities focuses on cross-border added value and serves as a benchmark for further, similar project projects.
The main objective of the proposed project by the European Regional Development Fund under OP AT-SI 2007-2013 is to establish a cross-border network in which networked research organizations, support organizations and SMEs ensure sustainability of cooperation. Activities such as the continuous development of innovation methodologies, value analysis, training of the workforce and upgrading of competences in line with the program are expected to successfully put knowledge into practice, thus contributing to greater competitiveness and more sustainable development of the regions.
The overall objective of NEAR2050 is to determine the long-term needs of different actors in the railway sector.
In order to achieve this, and based on the project brief, NEAR2050 will look at five main topics, which will each include numerous sub-tasks. These include:
A determination of the long-term changes in future needs
A determination of customer requirements
A determination and analysis of mega-trends and scenarios for 2022, 2030 and 2050
Effects of 10% fewer cars
Funding Program: Horizon 2020 S2R
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 730838. The information and views contained in this document are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official views of Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking. The JU does not guarantee the accuracy of the data contained in this article. Neither the JU nor persons acting on behalf of the JU can be held responsible for the use that may be made of the information contained therein.
In particular the Flex-Rail project (up to TRL – Technology Readiness Level – 2) will formulate technological concepts tackling the work-streams and their interconnection:
Concepts for the future autonomous railway vehicles “train-centric”
Promising disruptive technologies impacting automation systems and maintenance concepts
Railway 4.0
The new technological possibilities and concepts must be thoroughly assessed in a system approach where the different rail system components are integrated and combined can meet the future user needs of different market segments within a competitive environment.
Funding Program: Horizon 2020 S2R
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 826189. The information and views contained in this document are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official views of Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking. The JU does not guarantee the accuracy of the data contained in this article. Neither the JU nor persons acting on behalf of the JU can be held responsible for the use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Unterstützungsprogramm: INTERREG VA Österreich-Ungarn Programm
Project name: EduWood – Bilateral training development in wood architecture and furniture
Short titel: EduWood
Project ID: ATHU166
Duration: 18 Monate (1. Mai 2021 – 31. Dezember2022)
Project partners:
FATA – Faipari Tudományos Alapítvány
IITF Institut für Innovations- und Trendforschung
Strategical Patner:
Project volume: 327,440,10€
Gesamtförderung für das Projekt: 278.324,08€